I was actually going to make my own how-to's on package-management and/or package building in Slackware 13.0, but someone beat me to it.., or at least the management-part that is. And I must say, it was an easy, most informative and straightforward read, cudos to the author.
28 September, 2009
Slackware 13.0 package tools
24 September, 2009
Linux' kjerne-utvikling
Linus Torvalds innrømmer at kodebasen i Linux-kjernen har blitt oppblåst og stagnerer utviklingen. Rapporter fra Intel som har fulgt med på Linux kjerne-utviklingen nøye de siste årene, tilsier at ytelsen har falt rundt 2 prosentpoeng hver hovedoppgradering. Som igjen vil si at ytelsen har falt rundt 12 prosentpoeng bare på de siste 10 kjerne-oppdateringene.
22 September, 2009
PS2-bakoverkompatabilitet ++
21 September, 2009
A brief little UNIX history video
- Simplify computing (yes, computing was MUCH more complex before UNIX arrived).
- Inspire computing communities / collaboration / sharing.
Facebook legal twists
18 September, 2009
Canal Digitals HD-PVR dekoder
17 September, 2009
Migrering, WinXP og Win7
16 September, 2009
Google scraps "lock-in" effect
Android 1.6 'Donut' SDK
- Re-designed search-framework (allowing searching within applications, etc).
- Integrated "Text-to-speech" function (instead of installing a third-party library).
- An updated user interface for Camera, Camcorder and Gallery.
- VPN configuration options (allowing VPN connections to be made).
- New battery usage indicator (presenting individual apps power-usage).
- Accessibility framework (allowing for easy download and installation of accessibility-functions).
- Application-adaptation for different screen sizes.
- Integration with the new "Quick Search Box".
- Building gestures for your application.
- How to use the newly integrated "Text-to-speech" function.
15 September, 2009
WebGL (3D Graphics Layer)

2000/XP sikkerhet? LuLz? *sukk*
Bare for å nevne det, så er hullet fikset i både Windows Vista, 7 og Server 2008.
11 September, 2009
Abandoning 2000/XP security updates?
Oh well, it was fun while it lasted...
Struping på 3G trafikk
Viser seg at operatørenes mobile bredbåndstilbud har blitt offer for egen suksess. Både Telenor og NetCom struper trafikkmengden ved å sette en maks mengde data ned per måned. Henholdsvis 149kr pr.mnd med grense på 5 gigabyte fra Telenor, og 129kr pr.mnd med grense på 2 gigabyte fra NetCom.
Post- og teletilsynet (PT) er skuffet over prisøkningen på mobilt bredbånd, men innser at operatørene er nødt til å tjene penger på produktet.
10 September, 2009
restored minicomputer, 80's-style
As a little sidenote,I think Reinhard had to physically modify his machine to incorporate a serial interface to connect a terminalsome of the PDP minicomputers had to be extended with serial interface cards to connect serial consoles. PDP minicomputers did not come with either serial consoles/screens for i/o as standard, instead they used punched paper tape, control knobs and flashing diode lights for manual debugging and operation. The most important tools a hacker of those days had to have, were the things we stopped using by the end of the 90s, namely: a pen and paper. To hold a general idea of what the PDP was doing, you had to organize the punched paper tapes you were feeding the reader, note the flashing diodes and keep track of the various manual monitor-functions to debug and operate the system.
MY point is really this: computers were created and used in the 60s/70s by huge corporations, universities and science labs, when all computers were nothing more than headless, insanely expensive calculator-boxes. It's the later development and pioneering which followed the footsteps that has made computers what they are today.
09 September, 2009
AKIRA - The Movie ???
Var det jeg sa hele tiden...
Facebook for Android™
- opplasting av bilder
- posting på vegg
- sending av melding
- "Live Facebook Folder" *
- status widget
Norge #2 på fiber i Europa
08 September, 2009
Android Market v1.6
- ikke mulighet for skjermdumper av applikasjonene.
- lite intuitiv navigasjon i forhold til det som er mulig.
- programvare som koster penger er bortgjemt.
- dårlige betalingsmetoder for overnevnt programvare*.
Lyse Tele AS > altibox AS
MySQL and the EU
There have been concerns about commercial distribution and utilization of the business-licensed MySQL variant among IT companies doing development on the SQL-engine in the EU. Basically, Oracle just recently bought Sun Microsystems (who created MySQL). And since Oracle has it's own SQL database, many companies are worried about further commercial MySQL development.
07 September, 2009
All your O are belong to us
Hehe, seems Google's "UFO logo" was intended to be a 20th anniversary homage to the 80s game "Zero Wing".
Spotify @ Android
04 September, 2009
A 'Bit' of computing history...
"Reboot for UK's oldest computer"
A little sidenote on 'Bits' and 'Bytes':In computer storage, sizes are calculated using so-called 'bitwise' algorithms.And just recently, Apple Mac OS X switched to a new bitwise algorithm to better represent the actual storage available in a system. A lot of Linux distributions did the exact same thing (including my distro of choice; Slackware).But in computer storage theory, there are two main ways of calculating sizes.Storage calculation is based on the octal-system (8 Bits = 1 Byte): 1 GigaByte = 1024 MegaBytes (or 1.073.741.824 Bytes to be more exact).While transfer calculation is based on the metric system (1:1): 1 GigaBit = 1000 MegaBitsThis is also one of the reasons why storage-OEMs have differentiating space-specs on their products. Haven't you bought a 1 TeraByte harddisk drive lately, and realizing after you formatted it, that it does not hold as much as specified?Basically, OEMs use transfer-specific calculation for storage amounts, and not storage-calculations as they should. And none of them specify this on their packaging or manuals, because it's not required by law.OEMs, when faced about this issue, explain it this way:"...if we WERE obligated to print this information on our products, it wouldn't be economical to manufacture drives at all...", which I believe to be utter FUD.Another reason why harddrives don't always sport the specified amount, is that a filesystem requires a certain amount of disk-space to store filesystem-metadata, and thus removes this reserved space from the defined accessible storage amount on the drive (usually around 5-10%).
03 September, 2009
IE6? Come on...
02 September, 2009
Your PC is now Stoned! ..again
- Black hats
- Law enforcement agencies
- Microsoft Corporation
- attacks Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows Server 2003/2008 with one single Master Boot Record.
- attacks TrueCrypt full volume encryption.
- has integrated FAT and NTFS drivers.
- has an integrated structure for plugins and boot applications (for future development).
01 September, 2009
v3.0 PS3 firmware released!
Finally, after a couple of months, the long-awaited system update to the PlayStation3 has arrived! Version 3.0 ;D New features include:
- New management for trophies, sub-trophies and add-on content.
- Multiple audio-out (simultaneous connections).
- New messages/friendlist indicator.
- "Placed-anywhere" PlayStation Store shortcuts.
- New customization functions (avatars, dynamic themes with animated objects).