"I expect to see PlayStation 3.5 before we ever see PlayStation 4, or Xbox 560 before we ever see Xbox 720"
"I expect to see PlayStation 3.5 before we ever see PlayStation 4, or Xbox 560 before we ever see Xbox 720"
Yes, finally, the loooooooooooong development cycles of Patrick Volkerding and his crew are finished! And we have a completely new stable-branch, version 13!
Det ble annonsert for litt siden (sist uke?) at Linux ikke lenger vil kunne bruke FAT (File-Allocation-Table) driveren som finnes i kjernen, fordi den baserer seg på proprietær eiendoms-rett (Intellectual Property Rights).
[The whole point of the venture is to spur tele-carriers to improve the security-flaws of their respective service protocols. The bug Nohl is talking about in the link at the end of this post, has been known for over 15 years! So.., covert cellular surveillance has probably been going on for years by now...]
Ifølge en artikkel i nettavisen digi.no, skal visstnok Apple Inc. bygge et datasenter på over 45.000 kvm. Prislappen på datasenteret er beregnet å være på utrolige 1 milliard dollar, spredt over de neste 10 årene. Dette melder DataCenterKnowledge.com.
It seems I actually learned something when I studied commercial/illustration/design-subjects @ school back in the day :P both my domain and my sub-domains receive approximately the same pagehits and referrals ;D the hits were actually just about even too between them! Awesome! :]
Fant dette utsagnet i en artikkel om Linux-desktop vs Windows:
"De fleste hardwareleverandørene har, på et litt dypere teknisk nivå, nesten alltid et forhold til Linux fordi operativsystemene tradisjonelt sett har hatt god rot hos utviklere og driftsfolk. Selskaper som Cisco og IBM bruker også Linux som primæroperativsystem for å kjøre utvikling og testing."
This is a piece I made myself in March of 2008.
I've started a new subproject for myself, where I go image-scavenging on the world-wide-web :P and I found a post on linuxologist.com linking to an artist named "~Gegege-no" on DeviantArt.com who made this awesome piece called "Ubuntu Linux", or as titled on the blog where I found it: "The Ubuntu Rider", which I think is a more suitable title ;)
Logitech Illuminated USB Keyboard, for those late "g33k-nights"...
I'm sorry to say (not really, but I'll get into that later) that this looks like the last month I'll be working @ my current job.
I can honestly say I'm sick and tired.., nay, PISSED OFF at people with over-exaggerated opinions of themselves, driven only by their enormous power-seeking egoes...