I've been a huge fan of Sony's gaming-department for quite some time now, and I'm one of the lucky bastards with my very own PlayStation3 console system. And this post is meant as a rant, to elaborate a little about this wonderful system.
I don't think people (read: non-techies) realize what a revolution the PlayStation3 gaming system really is. Compared to earlier TV gaming consoles, the PS3 is a pure console-monster (technology-wise) and it's virtually expandable to the end of time.
With gyro-sensors in the controls, upgradable harddrive storage and USB-connectors, the PS3 has endless capabilities. Not to mention the internals. 8 (yes, EIGHT!) cpu processors, one of which is used entirely for complicated 3d rendering, and the rest for: game-engine, data, sound, emulation, etc. (My console version does not sport PlayStation2 emulation-code, but it doesn't matter. I've got a PS2 Slim console to do that job.)
And with additional peripherals, like: light-guns, arcade-sticks, etc. You can turn your entertainment-center into a real-life gaming arcade! No coins needed!
And with the PS Store and PSN, Sony brings the gameshop to your livingroom and makes worldwide gaming-connections for you. Sony also develops games exclusively for PSN, sold at the PS Store. And they also offer ported PS1-titles, for the hardcore oldschool gamers. Personally I downloaded quite a few PS1-titles to have them readily available at the touch of a button. Atm I'm going through Final Fantasy VII for the 3rd time, because it's an RPG classic (one of my favourite RPGs of all time).
It simply puts all the new technologies from the last years together in a superb' package, and hits your face like no other gaming system!
PlayStation3, live a little...
25 June, 2009
17 June, 2009
Google's Platform Standard Wizardry
As a lot of people are becoming aware about Android, and Android-based smartphones, I was keen on researching the platform and internals of my own HTC Magic.
What I found surprised me. Google, who has always been in the "Big Internet gadget/search-engine company"-stall, has now also moved over to the ISV-stall (Independant Software Vendor), this stall includes big names such as IBM, Novell, Microsoft, Sun, etc...
I knew they had based the Android SDK on Linux (which in itself is a giant leap for commercial ISVs in general), but that they actually developed an entire programming framework had eluded me.
Sun Microsystems has long been the de-facto standard supplier of development frameworks (read: Java MobileEdition) for application development on mobile and embedded devices. But this could soon change because of Google's smart thinking and legal trickery.
Put quite simply, Sun has (for years) reserved total rights to profit from mobile/embedded Java development by restrictively licensing it's Java ME framework and the source for it's Java compiler ("javac"). Thus, only letting vendors that agree to legal restrictions on Java compilation for mobile/embedded devices charge for their own implementations of either the framework or the applications made with the framework.
With this in mind, Google (with it's newly announced "Google Code"-division) started development on it's own implementation of the Java-standard compiler, code-named 'Dalvik'. By forcing the compiler to *not* use actual Java bytecode, but, rather utilize it's own type of bytecode, also freed it from Sun's proprietary restrictions. And with further legal re-routes and smart licensing-combinations, Google reserved the capital rights to 'Dalvik', and also it's Android SDK as a full-featured mobile platform, making it an "open platform", ensuring developers total freedom by utilizing the Android SDK.
By also announcing the opening of "Android Market", Google made it possible for application developers to offer their apps free of charge for everyone, or to limit usage by charging for it. Basically, giving developers final word on their own creation.
For more intricate specifics on the legal aspects, read this article.
10 June, 2009
06 June, 2009
Samsung external CD/DVD reader/writer

Since I have an Asus Eee PC 900 model netbook, I have absolutely no removeable rewritable media drive available to read optical media.
So.., I opted for an externel Samsung (TSSTCorp CDDVDW SE-S084B) CD/DVD+-R/W USB 2.0 drive, bus-powered for transportability.
I must admit, the performance when plugged in correctly (the fat USB-plug *MUST* be plugged into a bus-powered connector, and the additional USB-plug must also be plugged in for optimal performance), was SURPRISINGLY effecient! It read video-DVDs on-the-fly, burnt both (-) and (+) recordable DVDs fast, error-free and stable. And last but not least, it didn't make any noticeable noise, just a little *swish* here and there from the disc spinning up inside.
Storage capacity
Around 2000, I had a system-disk with 120GB and a storage-disk with 200GB. Combined that's not more than 320GB, which is the standard for 2.5" mobile disks today.

Now, 2009, I have a mobile drive with 100GB (bottom right), a 2-partition 500GB drive (metal LaCie, "geek" drive) a 3-partition 1TB disk (black LaCie drive) and my PlayStation3 has a 250GB 2.5" internal drive.
Combined, they produce a whopping 1.85 TeraBytes of diskspace!
7 år siden Mozilla 1.0 ble sluppet
Engelsk artikkel:
Mozilla, det underliggende motor-rammeverket for Firefox og Thunderbird, er i dag 7 år gammel teknologi, men er like gjeldende idag som for 7 år siden.
Gammel teknologi er ikke nødvendigvis utdatert, men kan som i Mozillas tilfelle gjenbrukes/gjenskapes ved bruk av nye retningslinjer for sikkerhet, bruk og gjengivelse av standarder, ofte som følger av erfaring. Men det er også dette som gir åpen-kilde prosjekter stabiliteten og sikkerheten som gjenspeiles ofte i media for tiden.
05 June, 2009
04 June, 2009
Command line tinkering
Wanting to conserve my root-partition filesystem on my server really intricately, I looked up the possibility of forcing a 'fsck' on next boot. And I found this:
sudo touch /forcefsck
Creating a file called 'forcefsck' on the root of the partition you want forced into a filesystem-check on next bootup.
03 June, 2009
Mah' GLOBEs ;P

Apparently these skating sneakers do not cover "nerd-use". They're supposed to be for skating, yet, they do not hold up as regular walking shoes. My right shoe, after 2-3 months, now has a big hole in it's sole, and the sole is beginning to peal back from the shoe itself. Even the rubber-lining around the sole is beginning to peel off.
02 June, 2009
HTC Magic nå i Norge!